Jackie and Shadow
Jackie, believed to be the first bald eagle hatched in Big Bear Valley, came to public attention in 2017 when she and her mate, Mr. B, took over an abandoned nest with cameras installed. This nest, monitored by the Friends of Big Bear Valley, became a focal point for eagle enthusiasts. In the summer of 2018, an adult male intruder, later named Shadow, appeared at the nest. Despite efforts by Jackie, Mr. B, and their chick Stormy to chase him away, Shadow persisted. Eventually, Mr. B left, and Jackie accepted Shadow as her new mate, marking the beginning of their partnership in the nest.
Their story is one of resilience, adaptation, and community fascination, with their nesting activities drawing thousands of viewers annually. This note provides a comprehensive overview of how they started in the Big Bear Valley eagle nest, based on historical records and observations.
Following Mr. B’s departure, Jackie and Shadow began their first season together in the fall of 2018. Their first clutch as a pair was laid in March 2019, with eggs hatching on April 14 and 15, resulting in chicks named Simba and Cookie (Big Bear Eagle History). This season demonstrated their ability to work together, though Cookie did not survive a subsequent rain and snowstorm. Their partnership has since continued, with another successful hatch of an eaglet named Spirit on March 3rd, 2022. However, Jackie & Shadow struggled to hatch any eggs during the 2023 and 2024 seasons.

In early 2025, Jackie laid 3 eggs, with the 3rd egg laid during a snowstorm. Both Jackie and Shadow took turns incubating and protecting the eggs. Jackie in particular stayed protecting the nest for nearly 46 hours straight during a 2-day snowstorm.

She was covered in snow and rain, but she did not falter and remained on the eggs until Shadow came to relief her with a fresh fish.

Their perseverance paid off! Eaglet 1 hatched on 3/3, Eaglet 2 hatched on 3/4, and Eaglet 3 hatched on 3/8. Going from two seasons without hatching any eggs, to hatching 3 beautiful eaglets despite the harsh weathers of Big Bear Valley. This is nothing short of a miracle.
You can watch Jackie and Shadow’s bald eagle nest LIVE, on FOBBV’s Youtube channel below.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who operates the live camera feed?
Friends of Big Bear Valley operates and owns all the rights to the live feeds. They are a non-profit organization, please support them by donating directly on the FOBBV website. You can also shop for merch here on their website.
How long does it take for eaglets to fledge?
American bald eaglets take about 10-12 weeks to fledge, which is the process of developing the feathers and muscle strength needed to fly and leave the nest. For example, in the Big Bear Valley nest, eaglets like Spirit in 2022 fledged around this timeline—Spirit took her first flight at about 89 days (roughly 12.7 weeks).
How do I know who’s on the nest, or which eaglets have been fed?
FOBBV operates a live recap of all the happenings with this bald eagle nest. You can see who’s on the nest, who’s bringing home food, and all the timestamps on when the eaglets are being fed.
Who names the Big Bear Valley eaglets?
Big Bear eaglets are named via a naming contest involving global & local communities. The previous eaglet names were voted by local third-graders from Big Bear Valley schools.
How old is Jackie and Shadow?
Jackie is 13 years old, Shadow is 11 years old.
What kind of tree is the nest sitting on?
Jackie and Shadow’s nest is perched 145 feet up on a strong Jeffrey pine tree, overlooking Big Bear Lake.
Who is Fiona?
Fiona & Fast Freddie are San Bernardino Flying Squirrels (SBFS) that live nearby. They are nocturnal scavengers and pose no threat to the eaglets.
New Updates 2025

3/12/25 – Jackie and Shadow seen under beautiful morning sunlight, as they prepare for a Winter storm.

3/12/25 – Jackie and Shadow tandem feeding the three eaglets.